Jaroslaw Kapuscinski "Where is Chopin?―Installation & Intermedia Recital" 


Jaroslaw Kapuscinski "Where is Chopin?―Installation & Intermedia Recital" 

TOKYO EXPERIMENTAL FESTIVAL Vol.8 ― TEF Performance *Recommended Program




TitleJaroslaw Kapuscinski "Where is Chopin?―Installation & Intermedia Recital"  TOKYO EXPERIMENTAL FESTIVAL Vol.8 ― TEF Performance *Recommended Program
Date2013.11.19(Tue) - 2013.11.24(Sun)
1,000 yen *Reservation required **Free admission to the installation exhibition
OrganizeTokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Tokyo Wonder Site 
Goethe-Institut Tokyo, Polish Institute Tokyo
TWS Shibuya

Installation Where Is Chopin? is a search for traces of music in minds and faces of people from around the world. To produce it, Kapuscinski performed a series of private concerts and video recordings with over 150 listeners in Tokyo, San Francisco, Wellington, Sydney, Seoul, Beijing, Istanbul, Jerusalem, Helsinki, Buenos Aires, Santiago and Mexico City. In concert, video projections are controlled live as he plays a Yamaha Disklavier piano. The recital will present other recent intermedia works including a world premiere of Possible Bird for hichiriki and image.

Instytut Polski w Tokio
Yamaha Corporation
Stanford Japan Fund

Ticket Booking

November 23 (Sat), 2013 | 19:00- [Performance]
November 24 (Sun), 2013 | 19:00- [Performance]
* Door opens 30 minutes before the performance starts.


[Booking Closed]
Reservation for November 23< and 24 are now closed.
Day of perfomance tickets will be available from 18:30. Please visit reception desk and wait in a que until 5 minutes before peformance starts.

Booking for TEF Performance is accepted by E-mail and Fax. Please inform us of your name, phone number, date/ time/ name of the performance, and number of tickets with the caption "Booking for TEF performance" in the subject line.

E-mail:  tef2013@tokyo-ws.org
Fax: +81-(0)3-5766-3742

*Booking of each performance will be closed by 17:00 on the day before the performance or as soon as the seats are fully reserved.
*Payment should be made at the venue on the day of performance.


"United"[2013, 9 min - Japanese Premiere] a video with music recorded by Gagaku Ensemble Reigakusha
"Juicy"[2010, 10 min] for Disklavier piano and projection
"Possible Bird"[2013, 10 min - World Premiere] for hichiriki and projection *Guest: Hitomi Nakamura (hichiriki)
"Where is Chopin?"[2010, 31 min - Japanese Premiere] for Disklavier piano and projection


*No reservation, Free admission 
November 19 (Tue)13:00-19:00



KAPUSCINSKI Jaroslaw is an intermedia composer and pianist whose works were presented among others at NY MoMA, ZKM and Centre Pompidou; and received awards at UNESCO Film sur l'Art in Paris (1992), VideoArt Festival Locarno (1993), and the FNCNM in Montréal (2000). A graduate of Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw and UC San Diego, he teaches at Stanford University.


NAKAMURA Hitomi a graduate of Tokyo University of the Arts, studied under Sukeyasu Shiba and Nagao Okubo has performed classical and modern music internationally. Awarded the Nakajima Kenzo Music Prize as a member of Reigakusha Gagaku Ensemble (2002), and Matsuo performing arts rookie award (2010).

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