On Site Lab Workshop - Series 5 "Luxurious Time and Space"

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On Site Lab Workshop - Series 5 "Luxurious Time and Space"

Creative Dialogue and Commitment to the Environment

On Site Lab


TitleOn Site Lab Workshop - Series 5 "Luxurious Time and Space"
Creative Dialogue and Commitment to the Environment
2010.8.4(Wed) - 2010.8.26(Thu)
Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Tokyo Wonder Site
GTS (Geidai, Taito, Sumida) Sightseeing Art Project 2010
Tokyo University of the Arts, University of the Arts London, The Japan Foundation “JENESYS Programme: Invitation Programme for Creators”
TWS Aoyama:Creator-in-Residence

Related Program: "On Site Lab Workshop Series 5" Project Room @TWS Hongo

The series of workshop "On Site Lab Program," which was founded by Tokyo Wonder Site in 2006, brings awareness to the importance of creators working on the challenges in the society and gathers creators and participants from a variety of genre and nationalities to find the possibilities to work on the same topic together. Having "Conversation with Art and Environment" as the main theme, we have invited tutors from both in/outside of Japan to facilitate workshops and lectures to discover the new horizons of knowledge.

The themes of the past four years have been: "+hand", "Waterfront Environment", "Global Warming and Forestation" and "Waste". This year, as a collaboration with GTS (Geidai, Taito, Sumida) Sightseeing Art Project and University of the Arts London, we will be investigating on a theme, "Luxurious Time and Space". 

Today, the society needs new cultural, economical and environmental values. The research will take place in Taito Ward and Sumida-Ward, which was the center during the Edo Period and now draws attention for the Tokyo Sky Tree, of which construction will be completed in 2011, to reconsider its richness for the earth and the humanity. 

The first part of the Program will mainly consist of lectures and group works; the second half of the program will be exhibitions and presentations of documentations at GTS, International Art Project Exhibition, as well as Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo. 
About GTS (Geidai, Taito, Sumida) Sightseeing Art Project (Japanese Only) 

Program Schedule (Tentative)

**Open to the public (With English-Japanese Interpreter)

Part 1: Workshop - 2010/8/4 (Wed.) ~ 8/26 (Thu.)

  • 1st Period
    8/4 (Wed) Orientation ①
    8/11 (Thu) Mid-term Orientation

  • 2nd Period 
    8/17 (Tue.) Orientation ②
       Introduction of the participants, Presentations by the Tutors, 
          Assignment of Group Members
          Lecture by Prof. Hidetoshi Ohno (Tokyo University, Environmental Studies)**
    8/18 (Wed.) - 25 (Wed.) Group Work / Outdoor Research
    8/23 (Mon.) Mid-Term Presentation
    8/24 (Tue.) 19:00-20:30  Talk by Ichiro Endo (Artist)**
    8/26 (Thu.) Final Presentation** 

Part 2: Exhibition

  1. 1. November
    inside GTS (Geidai, Taito, Sumida) Tourist Art Project
    International Art Project Exhibition "Sumida River Art Bridge 2010"
    @ Sumida Park Riverside Gallery
  2. 2. October-November
    "Luxurious Time and Space" Documentary Exhibition
    @ Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo

Workshop Tutors

・Chris Wainwright (Head of Colleges, Camberwell, Chealsea and Wimbledon, University of the Arts London)
・Shinji Ohmaki (Lecturer, Tokyo University of the Arts)
・Wit Pimkanchanapong (Artist, Architect)
・Yusaku Imamura (Counselor on Special Issue to the Governor, Tokyo Metropolitan Government / Director, Tokyo Wonder Site)
・Kayoko Iemura (Program Director, Tokyo Wonder Site)
*The tutors will be giving critiques to the participants' projects at: 1. Orientation, 2. Tutor Presentation, 3. Mid-presentation, 4. Final presentation

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