ARTIST TALK Marina Kappos

ARTIST TALK Marina Kappos

Wednesday Lounge


Marina Kappos detail of [A Murder of Crows] installation view at The Happy Lion 2005


TitleARTIST TALK Marina Kappos Wednesday Lounge
AdmissionFree(With Japanese-English interpretation)
Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Tokyo Wonder Site
Art Office Shiobara
VenueTWS Aoyama:Creator-in-Residence
Marina Kappos
Marina Kappos is a young emerging artist whose reputation is growing more and more in the American Art scene. Her work is inspired by the city she lives in, wherever it is Los Angeles, her hometown, New York, London or most recently Tokyo. She gathers information and inspiration from elements of the city, whether it be the architecture, people, nature or cultural context.
"077"2004 is the first painting where she combines self-portraiture and the landscape by inserting herself onto the surface of the city. Previously, she painted these elements separately. By crossing the landscape of LA and herself, the paintings become a self-portrait of her inner existence in the city rather than being purely representational of an external place.
She is also interested in the paintings functioning as an installation within the gallery space. This creates an environment in which the viewers feel that they can walk inside the picture plane. Her style is often described as being closely related with Japanese pop culture, "Tokyo is one of the most exciting cities in the world. Coming here and being able to work and create paintings has been a long time dream for me." she said. As the forerunner for the exhibition in September at TWS Shibuya, in which the work made during her stay will be exhibited, she will talk about her original world at the Wednesday Lounge.

Marina Kappos [077] 2004

Participating Creator


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