【NEWS】Tote Bag Gift Campaign

In 2021, TOKAS celebrates its 20th year providing support for artists’ activities and the 15th year of our Creator-in-Residence programs.
In commemoration of these milestones, we are pleased to announce the holding of a special Tote Bag Gift Campaign from June 1 (Tue.), 2021 to March 21 (Mon.), 2022.
Visitors who attend exhibitions and events at TOKAS Hongo and/or TOKAS Residency will be given a Tote Bag Gift Ticket at the reception desk.
If you are able to collect three attendance stamps on this Ticket, you will be eligible to receive the free gift Tote Bag and a copy of our TOKAS Annual Report (not for sale).
This campaign will end when all of the Tote Bags are given out. Please don’t miss out on this special offer!
*TOKAS Hongo: Open only during exhibitions. For exhibition schedule details, please click here.
  TOKAS Residency: Open to the public only on event days.

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