【TOKAS Residency】HOJO Tomoko: Solo exhibition in Berlin

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  • 【TOKAS Residency】HOJO Tomoko: Solo exhibition in Berlin

HOJO Tomoko, the participating artist in Tokyo - Berlin Exchange Residency Program, holds a solo exhibition at Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien.

©Département des Arts du spectacle, La Bibliothèque nationale de France, 1901

(3/13 updated) *Cancellation of this event.
Date2020/3/14(Sat)-15(Sun) 12:00-18:00
Opening: 2020/3/13(Fri)18:00-
Performance: 2020/3/13(Fri)19:30-
VenueRaum139, Kunstquartier Bethanien
(mariannenplatz 2 2, 10997 Berlin, Germany)
For the final presentation of her stay at the Kunstquartier Bethanien, sound artist Hojo Tomoko focuses on the concept of Japanese women based on the recording of an actress and a former geisha Kawakami Sadayakko, which was the first audio recording of a Japanese conducted in Berlin in 1901. Through researching the emphasized femininity on visual images of Sadayakko and her mistakenly transferred as ‘male’ voice in the archive, this show ‘HOVER OVER MAN AND WOMAN’ explores gaps between the fictional desire towards Sadayakko and herself.
At the opening night on 13th, there is a collaborative performance with Russian sound artist Sergey Kasich, a current music fellow of the Artists-in-Berlin Program by DAAD. Based on essential keywords such as voice, pitch modulation and silence, they develop collaborative sonic interventions and interactions with exhibited works and a background theme of this show. 
Supported by
Nomura Foundation

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