【Open call】 OPEN SITE 2019-2020 The announcement to apply

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【Open call】 OPEN SITE 2019-2020 The announcement to apply

Due to the renewal of TOKAS website, there may be some trouble occurring to download the application package for OPEN SITE 2019-2020.
In case you are unable to download the package from the link(https://www.tokyoartsandspace.jp/en/archive/application/2019/20190301-201.html),
please contact us on(2019.3.25)

There are some problems occurring that the application confirmation E-mails from the OPEN SITE Administration office are being blocked by some mail-servers. Also, our domain [@tokyoartsandspace.jp] could be filtered to SPAM, please check your mailing system. (2019.3.26) 

*please replace(at) to @.

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