【Exchange: Berlin】Shingo Yoshida: Thursday Night Screening (Feb. 04-25)

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  • 【Exchange: Berlin】Shingo Yoshida: Thursday Night Screening (Feb. 04-25)
【Exchange: Berlin】Shingo Yoshida: Thursday Night Screening (Feb. 04-25)

Shingo Yoshida, staying and working at Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien through TWS Exchange Residency Program, holds "screening night" every Thursday in February, 2016.

[Date] 2015/2/4, 11, 18, 25
[Time] 19:00-24:00
[Venue] Raum 139, Kunstquartier Bethanien
(Marianneplaz 2, 10997 Berlin, Germany)

Each night Yoshida will screen his past works filmed in various countries.


■2016/2/4 (Thu)
"¿Sabe usted algo de la isla Friendship?"

2012, Isla toto, Chile
HD video, color, sound, 33 minutes

■2016/2/11 (Thu)
2012, Berlin, Germany
HD video, color, sound, 11 minutes

"SOS Morse code Fernsehturm"

2010, Berlin, Germany
HD video, color, Silent, 4 minutes

"Depopulation Shadow in the Dead Mall (smells like murder)"

2011 Gunma, Japan
HD video, color, sound, 9 minutes

■2016/2/18 (Thu)
"I prepared the perfect answer that you wanted"

2010 Amazon Oiyakaha, Brazil
HD video, color, sound, 27 minutes

■2016/2/25 (Thu)
"Voyage au centre de la terre"

2014 Iceland
HD Video, color, sound, 11 minutes

"Trajectoire invisible"

2013 Nice, France
HD Video, color, sound, 13 minutes

Yoshida also show any of his works upon request any time until the end of March. *Booking required

Contact: postman(a)shingoyoshida.com

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